Item Selection Methods – catsim.selection
All implemented classes in this module inherit from a base abstract class
. Simulator
allows that a custom selector be
used during the simulation, as long as it also inherits from
- class catsim.selection.AStratBBlockSelector(test_size)[source]
Implementation of the \(\alpha\)-stratified selector with \(b\) blocking proposed by [Chang2001], in which the item bank is sorted in ascending order according to the items difficulty parameter and then separated into \(M\) strata, each stratum containing gradually higher average difficulty.
Each of the \(M\) strata is then again separated into \(K\) sub-strata (\(k\) being the test size), according to their discrimination. The final item bank is then ordered such that the first sub-strata of each strata forms the first strata of the new ordered item bank, and so on. This method tries to balance the distribution of both parameters between all strata, after perceiving that they are correlated.
- Parameters:
test_size – the number of items the test contains. The selector uses this parameter to create the correct number of strata.
- class catsim.selection.AStratSelector(test_size)[source]
Implementation of the \(\alpha\)-stratified selector proposed by [Chang99], in which the item bank is sorted in ascending order according to the items discrimination parameter and then separated into \(K\) strata (\(K\) being the test size), each stratum containing gradually higher average discrimination. The \(\alpha\)-stratified selector then selects the first non-administered item from stratum \(k\), in which \(k\) represents the position in the test of the current item the examinee is being presented.
- Parameters:
test_size – the number of items the test contains. The selector uses this parameter to create the correct number of strata.
- class catsim.selection.ClusterSelector(clusters: List[int], method: str = 'item_info', r_max: float = 1, r_control: str = 'passive')[source]
Cluster-based Item Selection Method.
[Men15]Meneghetti, D. R. (2015). Metolodogia de seleção de itens em testes adaptativos informatizados baseada em agrupamento por similaridade (Mestrado). Centro Universitário da FEI. Retrieved from