7 #ifndef AULA1_LINKEDLIST_HPP 8 #define AULA1_LINKEDLIST_HPP 27 string
getName() {
return "Linked List"; }
38 virtual void insert(T val,
int index) {
51 virtual T
int index) {
virtual void insert(T val)
Insert an element at the end of the list.
Doubly-linked list implementation with dynamic memory allocation.
Iterator< T > iterator()
Creates an Iterator, an object that allows the sequential access of values in a Linked List without t...
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
bool isFull()
Check whether the structure is full.
Doubly-linked list implementation with dynamic memory allocation.
>>>>>>> 36f9b37... fixed dependency of ProtectedLinkedList to Iterator
Doubly-linked list implementation with dynamic memory allocation.
>>>>>>> bded2143692dca559ffcc9e7202d9eb5fbfc45bf
Doubly-linked list implementation with dynamic memory allocation.
>>>>>>> master
virtual T get(int index)
Get the element at the specified position in the list, without removing it.
virtual void insert(T val, int index)
Insert an element at the specified position in the list.
Object that provides iterative powers to classes composed of Node.
LinkedList(T data[])
create the structure and populate it with the data from the array
string getName()
Provides the name of the data structure as a string representation.
virtual T remove(int index)
Remove an element from the list.