What's The Longest Word You Can Write With Seven-Segment Displays?
In this iPython notebook, I try to implement what was done in this video. Basically, we try to find out what are the longest words that can be displayed in a seven-segment display.
First, I download the same dictionary file that was used in the video.
import os
dict_file= 'words_alpha.txt'
if not os.path.exists(dict_file):
import urllib.request
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dwyl/english-words/master/words_alpha.txt'
print('Downloading dictionary...')
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, './'+dict_file)
import codecs
print('Fixing UTF-8 encoding issues before starting...')
f = codecs.open(dict_file, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
data = set()
for line in f:
print('Overwriting file with UTF-8 compliant content...')
target = open(dict_file, 'w')
Then, I use the code that was also provided in the repository (which isn’t remarkable in any way, but I like to add the disclaimer that I did not code the following cell) to load all words into a set.
with open('words_alpha.txt') as word_file:
valid_words = set(word_file.read().split())
Next, I use the same list of invalid letters that was used in the video. These are letters that can’t be displayed in a seven-segment display.
I use the set subtraction operation to remove invalid words from our giant set of words
invalid_words = set()
for word in valid_words:
if any(elem in word for elem in invalid_letters):
valid_words -= invalid_words
I then transform our giant set of words into a giant list of words and sort it by the size of the words in descending order.
valid_words = list(valid_words)
valid_words.sort(key=lambda x: len(x),reverse=True)
Just to be thorough, I add the extra two letters that were added at the end of the video and filter the list again.
invalid_words = set()
for word in valid_words:
if any(elem in word for elem in 'io'):
valid_words = list(set(valid_words) - invalid_words)
valid_words = list(valid_words)
valid_words.sort(key=lambda x: len(x),reverse=True)
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