Source code for sc2qsr.sc2info.unitstats

Unit Statistics from Liquipedia -- :mod:`sc2qsr.sc2info.unitstats`
import os
import pickle
from . import data_dir

__filename = 'unitstats'
__json = os.path.join(data_dir, __filename + '.json')
__pickle = os.path.join(data_dir, __filename + '.pickle')
__csv = os.path.join(data_dir, __filename + '.csv')

[docs]def radius(unit_type: int) -> float: """Return the radius of a unit, given its unit type ID :param unit_type: the unit type ID, according to :mod:`pysc2.lib.stats` :type unit_type: int :return: the unit's radius :rtype: float """ return __data['Unit Radius'][unit_type]
[docs]def attack_range(unit_type: int): """Return the attack range of a unit, given its unit type ID :param unit_type: the unit type ID, according to :mod:`pysc2.lib.stats` :type unit_type: int :return: the unit's attack range :rtype: float """ return __data['Range Attack 1'][unit_type]
[docs]def sight(unit_type: int): """Return the sight range of a unit, given its unit type ID :param unit_type: the unit type ID, according to :mod:`pysc2.lib.stats` :type unit_type: int :return: the unit's sight range :rtype: float """ return __data['Sight'][unit_type]
if __name__ == "__main__" or not os.path.isfile(__pickle): import pandas as pd with open(__pickle, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump( pd.read_csv( __csv, header=0, index_col='Unit Type ID', usecols=['Unit Type ID', 'Unit Radius', 'Range Attack 1', 'Sight'] ).to_dict(), fp, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL ) with open(__pickle, 'rb') as fp: __data = pickle.load(fp)